The student council operates printers in the CIP pool of the chemistry building.
Author: superadmin
We regularly send out news via our newsletter, some of which also appears on our homepage and social media (especially job ads, contests, and scholarship calls). We limit ourselves to a maximum of 1-2 mails per week, usually even less.
Lab Coats
The student council sells cotton lab coats for €16 to students, PhD students and staff of the university. The coats are available in (German) sizes from 34 to 54. No card payment possible.
The sale of lab coats takes place in the student council office CH26503. You can just drop by or call ahead (089 289 13006) to see if someone is there. At the moment no pre-registration is necessary.
There is often a designated special sale at the beginning of a practical course, please check the course instructor’s information.

We want to hear your opinion about face-to-face teaching!
On November 3, 2021 from 10-12 a.m. there will be a student council general assembly (Fachschaftsvollversammlung, FVV) where we want to hear your opinion about face-to-face teaching. In a Zoom meeting, we will inform you not only about face-to-face teaching possibilities, capacities for research internships, but also about the upcoming NAT School formation.
In addition to the survey on face-to-face teaching in the moodle course, you will find, as in the previous year, a digital chair contact fair, in which different chairs will present topics for theses or research internships to you. Feel free to check them out right now!
You will receive the link for the Zoom Meeting via the moodle course or your semester’s group chat.
We are looking forward to your digital attendance!
Your Student Council of Chemistry
Freshmen Days 2021

Dear freshmen,
We warmly welcome you to the Faculty of Chemistry! In order to provide you with the necessary information, to ensure that you find your way around the campus, and of course to get to know your fellow students, we have organised many introductory events for you again this year. The aim of these events is to have you well-equipped to start your studies with familiar colleagues. We hope that we will achieve this, even in times of the Corona pandemic. We can only recommend everyone to take part in the programme, you will see that many things will be easier for you afterwards…
You can find more information here. We wish you a lot of fun at the Freshman Days and hope that many of your questions will be answered!
According to the motto #LecturesForFuture, scientists around the world have given lectures offering insights into scientific work on climate crisis and further relevant societal challenges. These lectures aim to open up a critical public discourse on climate-, environmental- and sustainability-related topics.
Prof. Hubert Gasteiger, a TUM chemistry professor, has now also dedicated one of his lectures to the #LecturesForFuture project. In his talk he addresses the question of sustainable mobility and gives interesting insights into the current research and remaining challenges regarding battery electric cars and fuel cell electric vehicles.
The transformation of our mobility is the subject of numerous heated debates in living rooms and talk shows and is intensely discussed by politicians, business, society and the media. Often, you might be asked about your opinion because you study “something with chemistry…”. This is why we strongly recommend you to watch this lecture and gain a basic understanding of the technology, chances and challenges. It should be the responsibility of us all (as ongoing scientists, engineers, managers, decision-makers and voters) to bring some objective arguments into this discussion.
Here is the link to the lecture (accessible for everyone with a TUM account):
Franziska, Philip, Matthias
PhD students
Departments & Commissioners

Room Department
Head: Merle Zenner
We take care of the rooms and equipment of the student council. At the top of our to-do list is the orderliness in the student council office and the common room, but also in our storage room. We keep the equipment, e.g. the kitchen and seating in the Common Room, in good working order. In addition, we try to procure and prepare new rooms such as the Study Room. We are always open for ideas for the design of the Common Room and other rooms at the university!

Evaluation Department
Head: Ziwei Wang
The Evaluation-Unit is responsible for the evaluations of lectures every semester. We value to pass on praise, critical aspects, suggestions for improvement and further concerns of the students to the lecturers. The Evaluation Unit selects the lectures that should be evaluated, conducts the evaluation and shares the results with the lecturers.
If you want to engage in the evaluations, you can stop by at our office or contact the unit directly via email.

Feedback Department
Head: Alexander Imminger
The Feedback Unit conducts a survey of all bachelor students at the beginning of every semester to determine wich lectures should be evaluated. We want to enable you to give the lecturers an anonymous feedback and to actively help shape the lecture. The feedback is conducted at the beginning of the semester in contrast to the evaluations, which grants you the opportunity to profit from the changes yourself and to directly contribute.

Events Department
Head: Laura Grünwald
The Events Unit’s work consists of a mixture of contributing to other projects and realizing one’s own ideas. We cooperate with the TUM Student Representation and other departmental student councils (i.g. mathematics/physics/informatics or mechanical engineering) to provide voluntary helpers for their events: TUNIX, GARNIX, “Meine erste Uniparty” and many more. Additionally, we organize our own summer and Christmas parties for all students and employees of the Departement of Chemistry.

University Politics Department
Head: Igor Koop
We at the Unit of University Politics unite the student members of the Board of the Department, the Council of the Student Representatives and everyone interested. We inform you about important topics of university politics and about the university elections, which take place every summer. We gladly report on current developments every semester at the Departmental Student General Assembly (Fachschaftsvollversammlung, FVV). Our aim is to figure out the opinions and needs of the students in the student council meetings and at FVVs and to advocate them toward the university in the appropriate committees.
The meetings of the Council of the Student Representatives take place every three weeks and include all student councils of the different departments of TUM. There, our representatives discuss various topics such as scholarships, the semester ticket or study grants.
In addition, two student representatives, who are elected annually, attend the monthly meetings of the Board of the Department. We discuss various topics such as habilitations, doctorates, new study contents or regulations with professors and other department members.

Chemist Department
Head: Ilias Asimakopoulos
The Chemist is the newspaper of the Departmental Student Council of Chemistry.
What articles or topics would you like to see in this newspaper?
Do you have any suggestions what could be included into the newspaper, except articles?
If you have questions concerning the Chemist or would like to participate, feel free to write to us via email.

PR Department
Head: Franziska Schwimmer
The PR-Unit is responsible for everything concerning advertisement and design. This ranges from designing posters and flyers to organizing photo shootings with all Student Council members. We also crafted the information booklet you received as a freshman. If you want to emerge into designs or want to flourish in your creativity, the PR-Unit is especially looking for your contribution!

Information Department
Head: Vivian Koplin Tubone
If you have questions, suggestions, wishes or notices you want to be displayed, the Information Unit will support you. We convey all relevant information we receive through emails for you via posters, our website and social media.
In other words, if you are have any problems and do not know how to go on, we are familiar with the department’s network and which person to contact to assist you.

IT Department
Head: Joachim Ottinger
We at the IT unit design and operate the homepage and the forum of the student council, which are continuously updated. We also take care of the printers in the CIP pool and are happy to help you with any questions you may have.

Commissioner for Freshmen Introduction
in the ST 22

Commissioner for Freshmen Introduction
in the WT 21/22
Luis Oxenfart
The Freshmen Commissioner and his helpers organizes all welcoming events (like introductory days and a welcoming barbecue). We want to assist incoming students in integrating into university life and hope that some would even like to join the Student Council.
We shape the introductory days, organize tours across the campus or through the faculty, pack welcoming packages, arrange a traditional Bavarian breakfast with Weißwürsten and much more.

Commissioner for the Forum
Jana Bayer
As the commissioner for the student council forum I take care of the structure and order of the contents in the forum. Especially the maintenance of the learning aids provided there and the moderation of the forum are important tasks. If you would like to share your learning aids, summaries, index cards etc. with your fellow students via the forum, please contact me by e-mail.

Commissioner for the Student General Assembly
I organize the student general assembly, which takes place once a semester.

Keeper of Records
Simona Hanuliaková
As secretary you take care of the written protocols for each meeting of the Student Council. Each has to be correct, properly formated, voted on and archived.
Student Body General Meeting plus (FVVplus)
At the start of each winter semester we organize the so called Student Body General Meeting plus(aka Fachschaftsvollversammlung plus or FVVplus). The next FVVplus will take place on the 28th of October from 10 to 12am. Place of the event is the foyer of the chemistry faculty. All of you will have the opportunity to attend the FVVplus, since all courses during this time are cancelled!
For the FVVplus, we, the student council, will present our work. Furthermore, we will be available on site for any of your questions or concerns. As part of the FVVplus a research chair contact fair will take place, where you have the opportunity to talk to different chairs and research groups of our faculty.
This way students can inform themselves about different research areas of our faculty and talk to instructors and PhD students. Overall, this provides a good opportunity to get an overview over currently available bachelor and master theses.
Dear students, through the FVVplus you are provided with the opportunity to get to know more about current research performed by the many different research groups at our faculty. This is especially useful for research groups that are not involved in basic lectures or courses. We are excited for your attendance!
Information for Chairs/Research Groups
If you are interested in participating in the FVVplus chair contact fair, you can contact us at We are of course always willing to help, if you have any questions.
Bachelor/Master Thesis and Job Offers
Where can I find job offers?
All job advertisements published by the student council can be found under the German page Stellenangebote.
In addition, there is a TUM job exchange, where you can often find HiWi jobs.
How do I find Theses?
Although master’s theses do appear in our job advertisements from time to time, bachelor’s theses practically never do. Here, direct contact with chairs, teachers and assistants in the laboratory is really the best way.
Where can my job offers be publicized?
We publish job advertisements on our homepage, there is also a form for this. Otherwise we accept jobs also as email to In addition we post the jobs in the common room on the notice board.
We do not share job ads or calls for surveys/studies via our social media, as this would flood our content.
Chemistry Student Council
How can I contact the student council?
You can find all the important information under contact in the main menu.
Our office is located in room CH 26503. During the semesters, the office is usually open, but we don’t have specific opening hours.
How can I participate in the Student Council?
You can find out how, when and where you can get involved with us under “Student Council > Join us now!” on our website. There are also some food for thought on why you should do this of all things.
If you don’t have that much time at your disposal, you can also help out at our events from time to time. More about this under “Events > Supporting Events”.
What does the Student Council do for its students?
Everything the student council does can be found in the main menu under “Student Council > Units” and “Student Council > Committees of the Chemistry Department”.
Where is the Student Council’s office located?
Our office can be found in room CH 26503 in the department of chemistry.