Student Council

Committees of the Chemistry Department

This is a list of committees within our Department where we can actively participate in its daily affairs. Most of them are permament institions for the Department’s administration, others are convened as needed (like appointment committees for new professorships). There are elected student representatives in all of the listed committees to act in the student’s interests.

Tuition Funding

In replacement for tuition fees all Bavarian universities and colleges receive state funding grants to improve conditions for students and teaching staff. The tuition funding committee, which consists of 4 members of the faculty and 4 student representatives, decides the distribution of the funds that are allocated to the department. The focus is on offering tutorials, ensuring efficient lab courses and introducing new state-of-the-art experiments.

Our student representatives are:

  • Hannes Ehlert (biochemistry)
  • Astrid Kraus (food chemistry)
  • Joachim Ottinger (chemical engineering)
  • Miriam Jänchen (chemistry)

All students can suggest ideas or projects to be funded by these grants. For more information contact

Department Council

Chaired by the dean, the elected faculty council advises and decides on matters of fundamental importance to the faculty. Those can be the establishment of new professorships or committees, habilitations and changes to study and exam regulations. There are 2 student representatives of a total of 15 voting members who are elected every year in the context of the university elections.

Our student representatives are:

  • Patricia König
  • Tobias Unrath

Quality Management

The Quality Management Circle (QM Circle) is a body that continuously assesses and improves the quality of studies and teaching. There is a subgroup for each study program that meets regularly to discuss, among other things, the results of the annual evaluations. Subsequently, the committee should make suggestions on how the discovered deficiencies can be remedied and pass them on to the appropriate bodies for implementation.

Our student representatives are:

  • Julia Draeger (chemistry)
  • Simona Hanuliakova (chemistry)
  • Astrid Kraus (food chemistry)
  • Leon Mayr (food chemistry)
  • Maria Weyh (biochemistry)
  • Rahel Piltz (biochemistry)

Teaching Commission

The teaching commissions (one for each degree program) are bodies that prepare proposals for the new and further development of programs at our department. They usually convene when requests for changes to the degree programs arise and are to be specifically worked out. We are involved with two representatives for each degree program, so that we can also bring in student opinions on changes.

Our representatives in current commisions are:

  • Armin Römer (chemistry)
  • Jennifer Keller (chemistry)
  • Maria Weyh (biochemistry)
  • Till Gundlach (biochemistry)
  • Nora Weiner (chemical engineering)
  • Joachim Ottinger (chemical eingineering)

Appointment Committees

If the TUM wants to appoint a new professor or if the time limit of an existing professorship is to be removed, a committee meets which is responsible for the entire procedure. For each commission there is one representative who is entitled to vote and one who is not entitled to vote. Both of them emphasize particular importance to the fact that the candidates’ teaching concepts create real added value for the students.

Diversity Board

Since 2016 the Diversity Board of the Faculty of Chemistry has been taking care of all issues related to equality, work-life balance, gender & diversity. There is one student representative on the board. More about the work of the diversity board here.

Our representative is Sandra Paßreiter